Friday, June 22, 2012

DAY 25: Journals are Due! Is hot water good for you?

We are on the homestretch guys!  Keep it up!!!  One more weekend to go and then we can celebrate this new beginning of eating healthier with our baseline testing and Paleo Potluck!!!!

Just talking with you guys on a daily basis, has been really encouraging because I know each one of you have been working really hard to stick to the plan.  It's also fun to share new ideas, recipes and just know that you have people in the same boat as you.  The goal is for everyone is to make eating clean come natural to you and second nature.  This is a lifestyle change and absolutely necessary to be successful in the gym.  These 30 days are just the start and we hope you continue to make big strides in your nutrition, gym and in life!!!!

In regards to yesterday's post, Kristen was curious about how hot water affects are bodies.  Actually it's very good for us to try and drink hot water a couple of times a week.  Not hot water out of the faucet, but water that has been boiled and purified.  I love having decaf hot tea in the morning before breakfast and even at night.  But generally in the morning, is when I feel like I reap the most benefits.  First off, it jump starts my digestion and warms up the organs.  But, most importantly it's a detoxifying agent more or less.  If you drink hot tea, it acutally raises your temperature and your body's response it to lower your temperature by producing a little sweat.  Sweating allows us to release any toxins out of our bodies and purify our bloodstreams. It's like going to the sauna!  As we mentioned with warm water, hot water will liquefy the fat and allow it to be transported more easily into the appropriate areas.  Last of all, as we know water is great for opening up and cleansing our nasal cavaties....this will inherently loosen up any mucus we got going on.  So there you have it!


  1. So water that has been "boiled" in your car in the August sun doesn't count? Darn. Just kidding. I used to drink hot water on a regular basis (with lemon) when I was a server... Perhaps I will start to take the practice up again. Thanks so much for the info Dee!!!

  2. I used to drink hot water and lemon years ago when I couldnt have cafeinne. I love it. I still do it sometimes.
    I'm a bit scare to get weight and measure again...

    1. This is recommended by many nutritionists and Dr.s as a start to a day to get metabolism started. Don't know what the lemon has to do with it but I do this often.

  3. ...add chocolate and it becomes coco ...j/k ;p good info definately didn't know that though.

  4. Got it in at CrossFit ATL today!!! great workout, but it never fails every time i go somewhere else, the coaching and coach interaction doesn’t even compare. What I’m saying is yall are AWESOME at what you do!!!
    feeling good and strong down here!!! and staying strict!!! ONE week Left!!

    1. I felt the same way when I was in Hawaii. The coaches were NOT like any of ours . It was actually pretty frustrating . I actually felt like I wanted to take over the session a couple of times.

  5. I love having my HOT tea at night with honey but haven't this entire challenge because I put a ton of honey in my cup and love how it taste. It's definitely nice to have a cup of tea on the way into the gym as well.
