Tuesday, June 19, 2012

DAY 22: My quest to understanding GERDS

Do you know of anyone that has GERDS or any level of acid reflux?  I had one mild incident in the past, but my mother along with several other people I know struggle with it daily.  So I am pretty frustrated with western medicine right now, because the docs invetigated my mother's GERDS and decided to just amp up her dosage of NEXIUM?  Really...?  So they don't see anything going on, but learn that she has stomach pain all the time and has a bloated stomach, etc.  So you just give her more medicine that will just inherently wipe out all her stomach acid (which we need!) and as a result it will promote bacterial growth and all kinds of digestion issues such as IBS.  So frustrating....I have been trying to educate her on the need to incorporate more alkaline friendly foods to increase her PH levels to a more neutral level.  This would be a great starting point.....check out Chris Kesser's articles on this.  It has been very informative thus far.  Have you experienced acid reflux and have you noticed any changes by incorporating the ways of Paleo into your life???

There is a lot of awesome information out there by Chris Kresser on this subject. 


Here is a list of some great food choices to increase your PH levels/acid and help eliminate GERDs.



  1. Chris Kresser sends me an email every day and so much info it is hard to keep up with it all. Eating paleo definitely cuts the gassy bloated feeling I usually have. I have friends with Chrons disease and weird how they have to eat totally opposite of what paleo is. They are told no cocunut oil, no avocados, only starchy vegetables. Really all the fat food so they have a hard time keeping weight off too.

  2. I have never experienced it, however both babies had acid reflux so I can imagine that IT'S PAINFUL. They basically kept me up for 3 days straight before I figured out what it was from our doctor.

  3. My brother has it occasionally. I am going to share this article with him.

    Thanks Dee,

  4. I have had acid reflux. Through eating paleo I stopped taking nexium and now I rarely get it, except from maybe using a lot of hot sauce. Other than a light bit of it here and there is has pretty much gone away. ;)
