Thursday, June 21, 2012

DAY 24: Is cold water or warm water better?

Over the last few years, I have been pretty adamant about drinking my water at room temperature.  Someone had educated me on the reasons why drinking water at room temperature would actually be better on my body, so I gave it a whirl.  Surprisingly enough, I actually drink more water a day because it doesn't cramp my stomach.  Hard to believe huh?  Well, drinking water in general is GREAT.  But I just want to bring to your attention that studies have shown that drinking cold water actually slows down your metabolism, because you body is focused on bringing that water to your body temperature and not focused on much else.  Also, cold water actually solidfies the fat that you have ingested or are currently eating, which makes it more difficult on your body to digest and transport the fats.  Last of all, cold water actually isn't the best for hydration because it shrinks the blood vessels surrounding the stomach causing a slower absorption!!!!  So, just know that this is one perspective...I am confident that there are a ton of other studies to prove that cold water is also fantastic for you....but I like room's not all that bad!
Coach Dee


  1. I have always been partial to room temp water. I have a much easier time drinking it. Once in a while I can down some cold water, but its pretty rare.

    I have heard that room temp water could be better for your body, but I just do it because I prefer it. I know my mom prefers cold water.

  2. Funny that this is something my mother use to get on my case about because i ran track and would always want to buy the cold bottles of water. She always told me it was easier for my body to take in the warm water rather than the cold lol.

  3. Interesting thought! I've just always drank COLD water but i will definitely try it at room temperature.

  4. Prefer room temperature over cold. Much easier to get down.

  5. Kristen and I went out to dinner tonight and were talking a little about this. She always orders ice with water and I noticed she drank slower and when I ha cold ice water I was drinking a lot more. I guess back to room temp water for me if in fact in will affect my metabolism

    1. I did drink slower than you last night, but I don't always. The straw is also a big factor for me. I had always heard how cold is better for you, but honestly I prefer room temp. I know I drink more here at work overall when I drink room temp. Also it makes it easier to drink hot water- like water sitting in your car. I wonder what studies say about drinking hot water. I am too busy at work today to research it :(

  6. For major dehydration as well they always say room temperature water and not cold for faster absorption.
