Friday, June 15, 2012

DAY 18: Happy Friday & Journals are Due!

So everyone knows I love my "meat candy" aka at work.  I don't eat a ton of it...but when I do, I just love the heck out of it.  So I thought I would share a pretty funny video that someone sent me recently!

Happy Friday guys....great job so far on this challenge.  Keep it up, if you are having a hard time....reach out...we will guide you in the right direction.  This will all be worth it!

We are almost there and June 30th we will celebrate with some yummy dishes and maybe a few treats!


  1. Come on... Admit it, Meat Candy is your nickname for Lee.

  2. It seems that the more fat I eat the more weight I put on...and It is not muscle weight; at least not yet. :(

    1. Well, Faby it's a matter of tinkering with your nutrition. Try increasing your fat a little....make sure all meals are balanced for optimal energy. If you are still bonking in the your fruit maybe in the afternoon with your meals. I can't really tell what's going on if I don't have your journals. I will be happy to look at them, but I am sure John has been giving you some great guidance thus far! Email me at if you'd like and I will take a look.


    2. Faby, how are you sure that the weight you have gained is not muscle weight? If you are using a bathroom scale, chances are the it gives you an estimated body fat percentage through the use of biolectrical impedance. The problem is that these devices are not truly accurate, and your measurements can be off as much as several percentage points from one day to the day simply because of changes in hydration. Being dehydrating will cause your body fat percentage to appear higher. Actually, even having cold or dirty feet can have an affect on the resulting measurement.

      The best thing to consider is how have your clothes been fitting? Are the feeling tighter or looser? Try not to focus too much on what the scale says but, rather, how your clothes are fitting. Or even the occasional tape measure to see how things are progressing. I'm curious as to how much weight gain your talking about. You can just shoot me an email with that number.

      As we've talked about before, you're consuming far too much fruit and nuts in comparison to the miniscule amounts of protein your taking in. Refer back to our emails and my comments on your food journals. We need to cut back on the fruit and nuts, increase your protein considerably along with some healthy fats (oils, avocado, etc.) and try substituting the majority of those fruits with veggies. Fruit consists of fructase (fruit sugars)...your body sees and processes it like any other sugar. Consume too much and you're bound to have trouble losing weight. Additionally, without a proper balance of macronutrients, and what appears to be a considerably small amount of calories, it's possible that your body is trying to hold on to as much as you're taking in.

  3. That kid was really pisssed off hahaha, angry fat kids haha

  4. and bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips.

    I have been eating bacon almost every day. How good is bacon for the challenge? I'm only eating 1-2 pieces a day but still I do eat it a lot more than I have been.

    1. Keith, 1-2 pieces of bacon along with some eggs every day is perfectly fine. But make sure you're taking in some additional protein for breakfast other than just the bacon.

    2. Thanks, bacon is definitely making the challenge a lot easier.

    3. Keith, just make sure it isn't just any ol' type of bacon you might find at the grocery store. You want to find one that is as natural as possible without any nitrates.

    4. Although the issue regarding nitrates is up for debate, even Robb Wolf discussed this not long ago. Many vegetables themselves contain nitrates. I believe the point made then was, because of limited access to nitrate-free bacon, any bacon was better than not bacon at all.

  5. I just bought three more pounds of bacon...can't wait to cook it up and I bought some duck never had it but heard its pretty tasty

    1. Duck is awesome! especially grilled w/ bacon wrap around

  6. I love my bacon and need those 2 pcs. with my eggs!!

  7. Basically bacon is a staple in my house. I LOVE IT! I don't eat a ton but rather eat it in moderation. It's amazing....

  8. I made cauliflower "mashed potatoes" last night and everyone loved them. They look like mashed potatoes, but taste somewhere in between. Dani perhaps you would want to give them a try. I just boiled the florets for about half an hour and then used a hand mixer to blend them. I simply seasoned with grass-fed butter, salt and pepper. You can add some fresh herbs if you have any to really kick up the flavor a notch.

  9. I made some mashed cauliflowers and it didn't turn out so well. It was supposed to substitute the rice for our jambalaya. Needless to say we just at the jambalaya without the mashed cauliflowers.

    I can't wait to eat bacon again, in moderation of course. :-)
