Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

I hope everyone is enjoying this gorgeous holiday.  Relax and reflect on what this day is all about...
I look for to getting this challenge started and helping you all along the way.  Please feel free to contact your mentors at any time, if you have any questions or are having a hard time during these next 30 days.  We are here for you and we will help you learn how to eat cleaner and dial in on your nutrition!  Keep yourself accountable and write it all down.   Please post on the blog too-we love to hear what's going on!

If you haven't already done the base line testing, please arrange some time with your mentors to get it done this week only! 

Let the fun begin. 

Coach Dee


  1. How often are we suppose to email our FOOD/WOD log to our mentors? Daily? Weekly?

  2. From the email yesterday:

    Your food logs will be due to be turned in electronically to your mentors no later than end of day Friday.

  3. Thanks ladies! I just sent Dee my home email address, cause I missed all the stuff this weekend. (yea, I was gone being very NON Paleo) feels like a fresh start and new lease on being healthy again!! With a plan to stick with it this time.
