Monday, July 2, 2012

Winners of the Challenge will be announced....

...THIS WEEK!  So stay tuned and keep your eyes on this blog. To those that really stuck it out....great work, seriously.  We saw some huge changes in body composition and performance numbers in just 30 days with you guys!  Can you imagine what the next 30 days will do for you????

I will continue to post thoughts, recipes and articles on this blog.  If you have any great material or would like to start up a discussion about something, just shoot me an email and I will get it on here.

Have a great weekend and a fantastic holiday!!!

Coach Dee


  1. In my mind, all of us that stick to the challenge, are winners!

  2. I have some questions regarding this plan........ anyone out there willing to help an Iowan?

  3. I am 5'7 a lean 133ish pound gal. Bodyfat 15%. Decent Strength I think. I just squatted 185 the other day and I can clean and pres my own weight.
    Have been trying to do Paleo except my daily oatmeal and cottage cheese.
    I am doing Crossfit Ankeny as well as Outlaw 3 times a week, the lifting program. I have been loosing weight with Paleo which is not my goal, my goal is to get stronger which I am but I definetly have days where I feel like I need to eat more. I know it probably sounds simple..... eat more but I already take in 175 to 200 proteins a day as well as 50 ish fats and my carbs stay between 100-130ish. I take in between 1700 to 2000 average calories.
    To gain strength what do you suggest.
