I learned a lot from Lee in regards to nutrition. One thing we discussed in particular, was vitamins and supplements. He was a firm believer that if you ate a variety of fruits, vegetables and lean meats....that there was absolutely no need to take a multi vitamin or any vitamin for that matter. Taking a synthetic pill, is not readily absorbed by the body and actually dulls your receptors....so when you ingest a natural source of those nutrients, they are not easily recognized or used and your purpose of eating that fruit or veggie has served to be "fruitless." Here is a great article from(www.paleodietlifestyle.com) that really touches on this and also explains what supplements you should consider taking.....
This is yet another subject where everybody has an opinion that’s slightly different. If you come with the conventional wisdom mindset, you probably think that a good multivitamin is a good insurance no matter how healthy you already are or how well you eat.
I think the picture is a bit more complex than that. First of all, most multivitamins are very poorly absorbed and literally becomes money that goes down the drain. All those nutrients packed in a small pill can often irritate sensible guts. Also, cherry picking nutrients you think you might have a lack of can have negative effects because nutrients interact with others and more of one can mean less of another.
Taking supplemental calcium, for example, will reduce your absorption of magnesium. Even more so, if you take calcium while you lack some fat soluble vitamins like vitamin D, A and K2, the calcium probably won’t go to remineralize your bones and teeth and might end up aggravation the calcification of your arteries. This is why so many people have arthritis and osteoporosis despite consuming large amounts of high-calcium dairy.
A lot of the cheaper supplements are in a form that’s poorly absorbed by the human body or a synthetic form for which we don’t know the long term effects.
Even though antioxidants get all the praise nowadays, taking extra antioxidants in supplemental form as proven to be at best ineffective and at worst detrimental most of the time. The body has a lot of natural, endogenous, ways to deal with free radicals and oxidation and foods found in nature often have a precise balance of multiple antioxidants that work together instead of isolated ones. For example, taking more antioxidants can reduce the positive effect of exercise and strength training because the body doesn’t react the same to the positive stress and free radicals created from weight lifting. A study even showed that mice got more cancer when having a supplement of some isolated antioxidant. This is possibly due to their own endogenous antioxidants (coenzyme Q10, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, alpha lipoic acid and catalase) being down-regulated and having problems doing their job.
We also need way less antioxidants when we don’t consume oxidizing foods in the first place. Fruit, often full of antioxidants like vitamin C, is thought to have them in higher quantity to prevent from the oxidation from the sugars in them, especially the sugar fructose. It’s a case of the poison packaged with the antidote.
Of course, specific conditions are calling for specific recommendations, but as a general rule of thumb one should try to get all his nutrients from real, whole food. This is why it’s so important to seek out fruits and vegetables that are fresh and have grown without pesticides in a nutritionally rich soil as well as animals that have been well-treated, pastured and grass-fed.
Meeting the recommended daily allowance
I see a lot of people calculating their nutrient intake on sites like Fitday and stressing every time they don’t reach the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for a specific day on a particular vitamin or mineral. I think that this is not a very good way to go about it and it leads to way more unneeded micromanaging. You should strive to get enough nutrients over the course of a week instead because you’ll have the chance to introduce different food over that week that will bring different nutrients. Also keep in mind that the recorded nutrient profile of most foods is calculated from a conventional, factory farmed point of view. Pastured butter, meat, organs and eggs will have way more nutrients that what fitday or the USDA food database say.
For example, if you eat low carb, you need much less vitamin C because carbs and vitamin C are in competition for absorption. This is why native Americans didn’t get scurvy while new settlers where plagued by it.
Eating grains will also reduce absorption of most minerals, which surely makes the RDA higher for those minerals.
Instead of focusing on what the government says you should have in terms of specific nutrients, focus on high density and high quality foods such as animal fats, egg yolks, organs, bones, bone marrow, fatty meat, pastured butter as well as a variety of vegetables and limited high-antioxidant fruits. This prescription is a way better multivitamin than anything sold in a bottle.
With all that being said about multivitamins and antioxidants, lets now focus our attention on what might still truly be lacking in our modern Paleo diet and where supplementation would probably be a good idea.
Vitamin D, fish oil and probiotics
The three categories that might still be lacking are vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics.Vitamin D

Fish oil

I think everybody coming from a western or vegetarian diet, especially those who took antibiotics in the past, have a damaged gut flora in some way. It can be minimal or very dehabilitating and contributing to a leaky gut, but everybody should take care of their gut health because most modern problems come from a disrupted digestive system. The other good thing about probiotics is that, unlike other nutrients, you can’t get too much. I recommend a high potency and high quality probiotic including multiple strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium to everybody as well as regular consumption of lacto-fermented vegetables. Even if your diet is 100% dialed in, you are still victim of the air that you breathe, the water that you drink and external factors of stress which all have a negative effect on gut flora. With that said, if you have lacto-fermented vegetables and/or raw fermented dairy frequently and are otherwise very healthy and vibrant, you can even skip the probiotic supplement.
There aren’t many easy ways to replenish the good flora other than fermented foods (yogurt, cheese, fermented vegetables, fermented fish, …) or supplements.
It’s also important to understand that the strains of bacteria in our gut are different from person to person and are much more varied and complex than what we find in probiotic foods and supplements. What probiotic does, however, is re-establish the gut acidity and environment for the other good strains of bacteria in your gut gut to get a chance to thrive and reproduce massively. This is also why it’s important to get probiotics from multiple sources so you get the beneficial action of multiple strains.
The importance of gut flora starts right at birth for newborns and this is one of the reasons studies show that breast-fed children end up being stronger and having a better immune system latter in life.

I hope this article helped clarify why multivitamin and antioxidant supplementation might not be such a good idea and how you can compensate for possible lacks with simple and natural supplements. Like I said, if you’re feeling well, have a balanced diet and lifestyle that includes lots of sun exposure, wild caught oily fish and fermented foods, you probably don’t even need any supplement to achieve optimal health.
Coach Dee
GREAT READ, however I believe in vitamins and supplementation. I could go on and on but honestly some people just have very low immune systems and need that extra boost. I'm one of those people and I notice a huge difference if I'm not taking in a multi-vitamin. I'm very anemic and iron deficient and without an extra boost to help through the day, I'm literally so weak.
ReplyDeletePeople I talk to find it crazy that I am against taking a multi-vitamin daily, but I am 100% with Lee on this one. If* I am eating properly there is no need to take a multi-vitamin. Now this is how I feel about my own nutrition and recognize that the answer might not be the same for everyone. I am happy however that Cheryl recently stopped taking her multi-v. Since the 1940s American's have been hyper concerned with micro-nutrients. Instead we need to focus on macro-nutrition. If we eat a balanced diet (which I am not perfect at by any means) then there is no reason to be taking a crappy multi-vitamin. Especially as poorly formulated as many cheap vitamins are.
ReplyDeleteI am one who uses the excuse of "but it has high levels of antioxidants" to eat my fav foods like black and blueberries. I think I do this simply to justify eating. lol. But there is strong evidence that antioxidants are most beneficial when you vary the levels you get- that is to say you should have both an excess and a detriment at times. This does mimic our ancestral past as well.
Dee- why didn't you require Vitamin D for the challenge? I am not the best about taking my Vitamin D, but one thing I love about this challenge is I have become very diligent about taking my fish oil. Now I need to remember to start taking my Vit D with my more fatty meals. I always have so much to work on!
If this were a winter challenge, I would have absolutely made Vitamin D a requirement then....but I don't think you guys are having a problem getting sun these days.
DeleteWe are almost done! How's the no fruit experiment going?
I should be able to tackle the journals soon....but I will see you on Sunday for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!
The no fruit is going better today for sure. I think it is good for me to cut it out completely from time to time and I think I will do it again.
DeleteI agree that a well balanced paleo diet would make it very unnecessary to eat multivitamins. I take a lot of fish oil in, simply because I do not eat much fish. Vitamin D I may not be getting enough of, but I soak up the sun whenever I get the opportunity to.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Dee, i was just trying to explain for a friend about why i don't take or need a "multi". and this sums it all up. i know that i don't get enough vitamin D, my GINGER ass need to sup that shit. andy learned something new about the probiotics, so I'm going to look into that one for sure.