It's Day 2! How is everyone doing? Are we eating enough? What are you struggling with? Please let us know, we are here to help! I just wanted to reiterate the importance of balancing your meals and snacks in today's blog. Here is a great explanation from Crossfit HQ on why eat good proteins, carbs and fats at every meal is beneficial to your health and your overall performance.
The CrossFit Dietary Prescription:
Finely tuned, a good diet will increase health, energy and sense of well being while reducing fat, packing on muscle and optimizing physical performance. Your nutrition will amplify or diminish the effects of your training efforts.Nutrition is the foundation that your fitness is built upon. (CFJ Oct 2002)
Sport – performance
Weightlifting – the control of external weight
Gymnastics – the control of our bodies in space
Metcon (metabolic conditioning) – Cardio/Respiratory
Nutrition – solid molecular foundation

Weightlifting – the control of external weight
Gymnastics – the control of our bodies in space
Metcon (metabolic conditioning) – Cardio/Respiratory
Nutrition – solid molecular foundation
Food & Hormones:
Think of food as a drug that effects your hormone production. Food is made up of theMacronutrients: protein, carbohydrate & fat. (Micronutrients are vitamins & minerals) Eating carbohydrates effects your production of the hormone insulin and eating protein effects your production of the hormone glucagon. Glucagon releases stored energy (glucose) out of the liver and into the bloodstream where insulin pulls that energy out of the bloodstream into your cells to be used as fuel. We need to maintain a healthy balance of these two hormones for optimal health, mental & emotional balance, and physical performance. (Eating fat is hormonally neutral and supports the balance.)
We need a balance of Carb/Sugar/Insulin (lets energy into the cell) and Protein/Glucagon (lets energy out of the cell) to maintain optimum health.

Carbohydrates: (CFJ Nov 2002)
Insulin is the hormone – produced in the pancreas – that allows glucose into cells where it can be utilized as fuel. Though insulin is absolutely essential to life, chronic and acute elevation of insulin (through heredity or eating too much carbohydrate) will decrease the cells sensitivity to it. This causes the pancreas to secrete more insulin than is normal to get glucose inside the cell. This process is known as “insulin resistance” and the resultant condition is “Hyperinsulinemia”.Hyperinsulinemia is the chronic & acute elevation of insulin as a result of habitual consumption of excess carbohydrate. Chronically elevated levels of insulin will wreak havoc on your health. Diseases like Diabetes Type II, coronary heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, osteoporosis & obesity have all been scientifically linked to a diet too high in processed carbohydrate.
The food we eat also elicits a hormonal response that determines how energy is stored in the body. Sugar drives the Insulin response & Insulin drives fat storage & slows the metabolism.
Eating protein along with carbohydrate in the correct proportions will negate the insulin reaction and the fat storage trigger. In the absence of ingested protein, your body will break down muscle to fulfill its protein requirement.Fat:
Fat is your optimal energy source. It contains over 2 times the calories of protein or carbs. Eating “Good” fat (polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3, DHA, EPA) does not slow metabolism, subjects do not feel hungry and energy is released from fat storage. The “Good” fats can actually increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance. (Gary Taubes – “Good Calories, Bad Calories”). The human body can not produce these fatty acids, they must be ingested. These essential fatty acids also help in hormone production, regulating blood pressure, blood clotting, immune response & inflammation response. The human heart and skeletal muscles prefer fatty acids as fuel where the brain prefers glucose. Good fats are found in nuts & seeds, avocado and fish. “Bad” fats are the trans-fats, man-made fats and animal fats and have none of the beneficial effects of the good fats.
Sickness & Health: 
A balanced diet allows for optimal health & fitness and guards against sickness. If you are fit, you first have to get well before you can get sick.Fitness provides a margin of protection against sickness.
Wellness is the state of not being sick.
A Balanced Diet:
A balanced diet is essential to maintaining good health. It begins with good quality and the right quantity of food. Real food is perishable. The stuff with a long shelf life is circumspect.The Paleo Diet:
You should base your diet on lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. This is based on Dr. Cordain’s “Paleo Diet”. The Paleo Diet mimics the types of foods a person (hunter-gatherer/stone tools) ate prior to the Agricultural Revolution (from 2.5 million years ago to 12,000 years ago, about 10,000 BC). This period of time comprises 99% of human history and is the diet to which the human species is genetically adapted.<I————————————————————————————————–I->
Time before Agriculture Agriculture
Balancing Macronutrients: 30% Protein, 40% Carb, 30% Fat at each meal
What should I eat?
It is worth repeating that you should base your diet on lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar and keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.
Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load.
Fat should be predominantly monounsaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.
What foods should I avoid?
Modern diets are ill suited for our genetic composition. Evolution has not kept pace with advances in agriculture and food processing resulting in a plague of health problems. Diabetes Type II, coronary heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, osteoporosis & obesity have all been scientifically linked to a diet too high in processed carbohydrate. High glycemic carbohydrates are those that raise blood sugar too rapidly. They include rice, bread, pasta, cereals, candy, potato, sweets, sodas, and most processed carbohydrates.The Hormonal Response to Intense Exercise:
(Tony Leyland – CFJ March 2008)
The hormonal response to high-power activities includes testosterone & human growth hormone, but many others are involved. The intense work also causes cellular damage that forces the body to rebuild tissue & strengthen, there are important hormones involved in the rebuilding process. And, your metabolism will stay elevated for much longer after a high power activity due to the action of adrenal gland hormones. Performing only long-slow, low-powered aerobic work is clearly inadequate for driving healthy hormonal response & truly healthy body composition – one that includes adequate musculature in all regions of the body, good bone & connective tissue density, and healthy body fat levels.
I have a no carb headache today and I am grouchy!
ReplyDeleteI meant a "LOW CARB" headache. Cause I ate my green veggies yesterday like I should have.
DeleteI like how you caught yourself there! ;)
Deletei'm sore and really sleepy. i miss my now and laters. are we positive this is only day 2?? i wish i had a magic scanner to hold up to food telling me if it was ok or not. i definately plan to prepare my meals for the week the weekend prior.
ReplyDeleteDanielle- are you new to the diet? My suggestion is to read a couple books on it. I can listen to all of the wonderful advice we get from others in the box until I am grey, but reading the books on the subject was the biggest help to me! Also, there is an app that tells you what food is Paleo- and if it is a green, yellow, or red food. (Eat as much as you want, keep to a min, or no go) I haven't used the app myself, but I thought I might tell ya about it.
DeleteThanks i'll look into that. it's actually really hard to eat when i'm not hungry which is weird since i'm most definately a comfort eater.
DeleteI'm struggling in between meals. I dont know what to snack on. I usually eats fruits and nuts (almonds mostly) I ate a big veggie/meat dinner last night, but my body wanted something I ate ginger chews...i know bad...what other alternatives do I have to not crave sweets??
ReplyDeleteFaby, Are you getting enough good fat? Good fat will help you feel full longer. Coconut oil has AMAZING health benefits. Olive oil is good. You can find avocado oil, or eat avocado (I don't like it.) Hope this helps a little.
DeleteYou've gotta break yourself of that sweet tooth. No better way to go than cold turkey. It may suck initially, but you'll get past it. Snack on eggs, jerky, meats/fish and veggies. While I would cut out all nuts for the challenge, especially in the Newbie and Shed the Fat Divisions, you can try a little almond butter on celery.
DeleteThanks Christina, my menu yesterday:
ReplyDeleteMeal/Day Tuesday
Breakfast "1/2 apple
venti non-fat cappuccino"
Snack 1 carrot
Lunch "can of salmon
2 strawberries
1/4 grapefruit"
Snack "Hand full of blueberries.
Hand full of almonds.
1 carrot.
2 strawberries."
Dinner "mongolian bbq - Just the
meats and veggies.
1 macademian nut.
Almost a bag of ginger chews :("
Water 64 oz +
Workout 6:30 am crossfit
Other "Fish oil supplement.
calcium supplement"
Yeah, looks like you could use more fat. You are having a lot of carb only meals. Even good, paleo carbs will trigger the wrong response in your body.
DeleteBreakfast looks like you are missing your protein and fat. Same with your first snack. Dee approved some Trader Joes Jerky that has no preservatives, nitrates or MSG and it minimally processed. Some jerky and a few almonds with carrots would be more balanced.
Lunch looks like it is missing some fat. A drizzle of olive oil might work there.
Your next snack is missing a good protein.
Dinner might've needed a little more fat too.
Try finding ways to add in some good fat during the day and see if that helps. If at all possible try to have some sort of protein, carb and fat every time you eat.
I cook my eggs with a little coconut oil for breakfast and put olive oil on my veggies. I know last year when I did my first challenge and took the first real step to eating clean......good fat helps a lot. :-)
Coaches may have more on this too.
You definitely need a lot more protein and healthy fats. I would replace most of those fruits with veggies depending on the goal you have set for yourself. If you're trying to shed as many pounds as possible, I'd cut them out entirely.
DeleteFaby make sure you are emailing John your log- posting it on here could give you several different responses, although beneficial, may end up confusing you.
DeleteThanks Christina. I'm doing better with the fats today. Breakfast 1/2 avocado and 1 jerky stick. Snack 2 hands full of pumpkind seeds...lots of coffee with coconut creamer for coffee.
ReplyDeleteI would think the coaches will have more to add, but really looks like you need to work on the protein and fat in your meals. It's easy to less protein then we really should be eating.
DeleteHope this helps some. Are you in the Newbie division?
Yes, im in the newbie division.
DeleteAnd John, yes I want to shed as many pounds as I can :)
thank you both for the responses.
John is right, cut back on fruit. Depending on how your eating was before, even the amount of fruit you are eating you will still see a difference. I did last year.
DeleteBut it almost sounds like you are really restricting your intake. Keep in mind, you can eat more....a lot more in some cases. If you can balance out your meals by subbing fruit with veggies more often and upping your protein and fat you will see a big difference.
When I did a challenge last year (different gym), fruit and nuts were a big part of my new eating. They really helped me stick to cleaner eating and I came in second in that challenge. Lost to someone going RX and their point system was a little different since there rules were stricter than mine.
I noticed a huge difference, people look at me and can tell and I have not gained any of it back.....just been maintaining. The first step is to clean up the eating, then over time (well, that's how it worked for me without any real effort), I started cutting back on fruit and nuts. However, I was cheating other places so I still maintained didn't lose anymore.
Just be sure whatever you are doing is something you can stick with. Granted, everyone wants to win, but for yourself, find that balance so you can keep it going after the challenge and continue to improve. If you are counting down the days until this challenge may not stick when it's over. Everyone is different, so only you know how strict you can go and stay over the long term.
BTW, coconut milk in your coffee is a good fat! :-)
Remember, Newbies are allowed fruit and nuts, they are working at just eating cleaner. But if you can and don't feel deprived, take the next step and limit your intake of both. Save fruit and nuts for every few days or something.
DeleteHow do olives count? Fruit? Veggie? Fat?
Olives count as a fat. Similarly with nuts, be sure not to eat too much.
DeleteDay 2 and I'm feeling really good with lots of energy sticking with 30-40-30 complex described above, ran 5k this morning and beat my fastest time and wanted to keep going but had to get back to work. No cravings at all! Thanks for advice and reading material I also recommend reading Robb Wolff paleo book, it's funny and very insightful
ReplyDeleteplayed a game of dodgeball and stayed active throughout the game lol my energy is still feeling low, i assume this will pass in the week?
ReplyDelete8 am - 2 1/2 eggs with chopped up spinach, onions, and tomatoes
9 am - 1 Apple
11am - 1 LArge chicken breast with baby carrots, green beans, spinach, onions
12pm - 1 pack of tuna
Snacked on snow peas, baby tomatoes, and almonds throughout the work day
5pm - 2 New York strips
Rusty, when I switched to paleo, my energy dipped and remained so for a couple weeks. It'll be different from person to person, but it will take a little time for your body to adjust.
DeleteEat some fat Rusty- the low energy is pretty typical in the first week. Fat won't make you fat, just FYI. I always reccommend eat some fat, if you are still hungry or feel low energy. Then start working at keeping the overall fat intake for day around 20-25 grams a day.
DeleteThanks Guys! i did have another meal after the blog entry last night! i ate half a chicken breast and five pieces of shrimp with green beans and broccoli.
Delete6:30 WOD- uber scaled..thanks murph
ReplyDeleteI definately feel like I've failed today
meal 1: 2oz macadamian nuts 2oz pecans
meal 2: 1 avacado
meal 3: 3 oz crab
meal 4: 1 apple
meal 5: 3 servings baby carrots
it's becomming a real pain trying to stuff my face when i have time in the shop. at least with all this heat i still manage to drink 70+ oz of water. i need to stock up on more eggs I'm all out. they need paleo fast food for my way home.
hey john do you think sometime we can either sit down and try to work something out to help me or maybe via email? and do we send our food journals daily or weekly?
Dani, yes, we can definitely sit down and work something out for you. I will also send you some other info to help you out. Did you get the Google Docs spreadsheet? If not, I'll send it to you and will be able to keep tabs on your meals each day. Otherwise you simply need to send the complete week's worth on Friday.
DeleteI'm not sure how frequently you ate before the challenge, or what your meals typically consisted of, but based on what you provided today you are seriously undereating. All of what you listed may amount to little more than 2 cups of food total. We've got to fix this and can do so a little at a time until you're able to eat enough. Stock up on eggs, various meats, and fish for a start. Get some of these in at each meal. And start adding in more vegetables. Good job on drinking enough water.
ReplyDelete- 3 eggs cooked in half tbsp coconut oil
- 1 chicken sausage (trader joes)
- 1 slice bacon (trader joes)
- 1 cup spinach
- 1 orange
breakfast #2
- 4 hardboiled eggs
lunch #1
- 7oz Chicken
- 1 cup spinach
- Brussel sprouts cooked with Olive Oil, Black pepper and Bacon
- 1 avocado
lunch #2
- 7oz Chicken
- 1 cup spinach
- Brussel sprouts cooked with Olive Oil, Black pepper and Bacon
- 1 avocado
Post Workout meal
- 2cups Milk with 1scoop Whey (SFH)
- medium size sweet potato
- 8oz Meatloaf with Mushrooms/Onions/Spinach
Good start- how many grams of protein is this?
DeleteBaked a chicken tonight, stuffed 4 peppers with grass fed beef, shrooms,tomotoes and onions, made another pot roast, made up bison chili that was amazing, and got the egg muffin cups ready in the fridge for grab and go. Fresh Market Jerky NOT paleo though I found out. Will need to find another place to buy it.
ReplyDeleteSounds great Patty- as far as the Jerky...I try to stick with the Nitrate free, gluten free...low sodium and less sugar option at Trader Joes. Ideally you want to be making your own...but for our division we can have this as a small snack from time to time.
DeleteDay 2 paleo and feeling pretty good. I've been eating a decent amount of fruit, going to try to cut back to one serving a day and see how I feel lowering my carbs even lower.
ReplyDeleteI am having bad cravings on sweets. Before the challege I used to have something sweet during the day. I feel like I am looking foward to sweets all day. I also feel very hungry before workouts. I think I might not be eating enough.
ReplyDeleteThis is part of the detox phase...if you are hungry eat....graze all day, have some fruit from time to time. I usually reccommend having your fruit/full on snack maybe an 1-2 before you workout. Eating nuts will definetly help keep you full.
DeleteReplace some of the fruits, with some veggie options...add in some fat too! (homemade guac with your veggies, olive oil, salt free nuts, etc.)
ReplyDeleteFor anyone not on pinterest here is a list of some awesome blogs and websites for paleo recipes and ideas and other newbies and how they got started. (this is awesome as she has Porkapalooza tons of
paleo pork recipes and paleo crockpot recipes)