Friday, July 6, 2012

The Get Jacked and Tan Winner is...

1st place Winner is Shanna!

WT:  125#/126.6#
BF:  28/28
1 RM of Deadlift:  193#/223#
7 Min AMRAP:  3 Rds + 200m / 3 Rds + 200 m and 3 pullups

Shanna kicked butt during this challenge, did not cheat once...even took Starbux out of her diet.  Her goal was to eat more, consume a ton of protein and get stronger in the gym.  She is well on her way!  Great job girl!!!!!!!

2nd Place Winner is Donnie Drake!
Donnie was able to put on a couple lbs of lean muscle and increase his Deadlift from 315# to 325#
Winner please see me Monday for your prize!!!

Get Shredded Division Winner is.....

The 1st place winner is Nick T!                                                       

WT: 207#/186.4                                                               
BF:  18/9                                                                                                
1 RM on Deadlift:  385#/405#
7 Min AMRAP: 3 Rds + 200m Rxd/ 4 Rds

Awesome Job Nick for really sticking it was fun having you on my team!  -Coach Dee

**Kristen did extemely well with cooking very balanced foods paleo friendly meals, did not drink alcohol for 33 days and PR'd on her deadlift by 10lbs.  Pics soon to come!

Both winners please see me for your prizes on Monday!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Winners of the Challenge will be announced....

...THIS WEEK!  So stay tuned and keep your eyes on this blog. To those that really stuck it out....great work, seriously.  We saw some huge changes in body composition and performance numbers in just 30 days with you guys!  Can you imagine what the next 30 days will do for you????

I will continue to post thoughts, recipes and articles on this blog.  If you have any great material or would like to start up a discussion about something, just shoot me an email and I will get it on here.

Have a great weekend and a fantastic holiday!!!

Coach Dee